Sunday, September 4, 2016


What does Grace mean to you? This word has been on my mind for the last few weeks. I have heard it several times and have never really thought about it till now. I even have asked close friends what it means to them and everyone has had a different, close but different, answer on what it means to them. We have all heard the term "God's Grace". God's grace to me is His gift of His Son Jesus Christ so that the Atonement will make up the difference of our shortcomings if we do our best in this life to do our part. Without this gift we will not make it back to live with our Heavenly Father.

But what does it mean to have Grace for yourself, or be graceful, or show grace to others? I even looked it up and it says in the dictionary this...
  • Grace (as a Verb)- do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence 
  • Grace (as a Noun)- simple elegance or refinement of movement. 
  • Grace (in Christian belief)- the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
Some of the responses I received were; smooth, moves like a ballerina, poised, tactful, grateful, dignified, honor, presence, love and kindness, an undeserved gift.

God gave us His son, this is an undeserving gift. He gave this to each of us through grace. It is really amazing if you even think about it just for a moment. What a miracle. 

A man by the name of Dieter F. Uchtdorf said in an address called The Gift of Grace , "Though we all have weaknesses, we can overcome them. Indeed it is by the grace of God that, if we humble ourselves and have faith, weak things can become strong. Throughout our lives, God’s grace bestows temporal blessings and spiritual gifts that magnify our abilities and enrich our lives. His grace refines us. His grace helps us become our best selves." I love the part where he says grace refines us. We become refined. To refine something means to reduce it down to a pure state. To fine tune it. When someone gives you a gift that is undeserving you appreciate it, your thinking and your thoughts soften and it changes you.

Grace helps us become our best selves. Become graceful. What is my best self? I don't even know. I'm working on that now. I want to be my best self. I have always been someone for someone else. I don't even know who I am. I have been a mother, a wife, a co-worker, a daughter, a sister, a friend. This is  what I am to other people. Who am I for myself? Who am I to God? I am sure this is part of the growing pains of this stage in my life or maybe it is part of becoming an empty nester soon or even part of the divorce stages but I truly don't know who I am. What I like, what I can do, what I am good at or even what I want. These are all things I need to figure out. I want to be my best self but first I need to find out who that person is. 

If we want grace from God we have to be willing to give grace to others. Not just forgiveness but forgiveness with grace. Forgive graciously. To forgive even those who don't deserve it or people who may not even have asked for forgiveness. If we do this just like President Uchtdorf states "weak things become strong". I have so many weak things right now in my life. This is why I really want to understand what grace is. 

How can I receive and give grace? I have learned that the best way is through gratitude. If we are truly grateful with our current present moment we are worthy of receiving and giving grace. If we are focused on the future or the past we are not in a state of mind to be open to this gift. We are not connected to our current situation and circumstance. We can't be grateful if we aren't in the moment. Therefor it is hard to give or receive grace.

Living in the moment is one of the hardest things for me because I am a planner. I like to control what is coming and not be surprised. Unfortunately that is when the ungratefulness comes into play. I am missing things as I focus on the future and dwell on the past. Meditation helps me with this each day but it is still hard. Grace has been something I have been focusing on while a meditate and pray each day. I feel myself being more and more grateful for grace and the gifts the Lord blesses me with each and every day. The Atonement is the ultimate gift of Grace.

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone. You have been through trauma and won the fight.
    I would recommend for you to read the alchemist. It will give you the answers you are seeking. I promise :)
    Being hard-hearted is not the solution. It's a temporary fix to a wounded heart. Do not judge her though, because that was the only she -felt- she could go about it. Trust your heart. Be kind to it. A friend once told me the bravest and strongest people are the ones capable of showing their vulnerability. You are brave.
    Anyway, I could rant for a while, but I truly think you should read that book. Even you haven't already. You're on the right path already.
